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Contoh Kalimat Ihwal Question Tag Menurut Tenses Dan Modal

Contoh Kalimat Ihwal Question Tag Menurut Tenses Dan Modal
Contoh Kalimat Ihwal Question Tag Menurut Tenses Dan Modal

Contoh – Contoh Kalimat Tentang Question Tag Berdasarkan Tenses Dan Modal

 Contoh Kalimat Tentang Question Tag Berdasarkan Tenses Dan Modal Contoh Kalimat Tentang Question Tag Berdasarkan Tenses Dan Modal


Sebelum kita simak bersama- sama mengenai pola – pola kalimat question tag menurut tenses, ada baiknya kalau admin mengingatkan apa itu question tag dan klarifikasi – klarifikasi lainnya mengenai question tag.


A. Penjelasan ihwal question tag

Question tag ialah pertanyaan yang ditambahkan sesudah statement atau pernyataan dalam sebuah kalimat dan berfungsi untuk mengkonfirmasikan statement atau pernyataan tersebut. Di dalam bahasa Inggris, question tag biasanya digunakan untuk percakapan informal dan tidak digunakan di dalam goresan pena formal atau akademik. Aturan untuk question tag cukup mudah. Jika statement positif maka tag-nya negatif dan sebaliknya kalau statement negatif maka tag-nya ialah positif.


  1. Statement nya ialah “You love me” maka tag – nya ialah “don’t you?”

Maka kalimat yang sempurna ialah “you love me, don’t you?”

Contoh sebaliknya, menyerupai :

  1. Statement nya ialah “You don’t love me” maka tag – nya ialah “do you?”

Maka kalimat yang sempurna ialah “you don’t love me, do you?”


Question tag sanggup digunakan dalam dua Intonasi yang berbeda yaitu intonasi naik atau intonasi turun.

  1. Intonasi naik

Intonasi naik digunakan untuk mengetahui bahwa sesuatu itu benar.

Contoh : “You study in Jogja, don’t you?” ↗

  1. Intonasi turun

Intonasi turun digunakan dalam question tag untuk mengetahui atau mengajak seseorang baiklah dengan pendapat kita.

Contoh : “Jogja now is hot, isn’t it?” ↘


B. Contoh – pola kalimat question tag menurut tenses

Baiklah, berikut ini ialah pola – pola kalimat positif dengan tag negatif menurut tenses

  1. Simple present ‘be’

He is smart, isn’t he?

  1. Simple present ‘verb’

She does her homework, doesn’t she?

  1. Present continuous

They are playing football, aren’t they?

  1. Simple past ‘be’

She was happy yesterday, wasn’t she?

  1. Simple past ‘verb’

He came to the party, didn’t he?

  1. Past continuous

She was dancing, wasn’t she?

  1. Present perfect

You have been to Bali, haven’t you?

  1. Present perfect continuous

We have been reading many books recently, haven’t we?

  1. Past perfect

He had eaten the pizza, hadn’t he?

  1. Past perfect continuous

They had been working, hadn’t they?

  1. Future tense

She will go at 7.00, won’t she?

  1. Future continuous

He will be singing soon, won’t he?

  1. Future perfect

They will have arrived before noon, won’t they?

  1. Future perfect continuous

She will have been studying all day, won’t she?

  1. Modal

It can fly, can’t it?


Sedangkan, berikut ini ialah pola – pola kalimat negative dengan tag positif menurut tenses

  1. Simpe present ‘be’

We aren’t late, are we?

  1. Simple present ‘verb’

She doesn’t cry, does she?

  1. Present continuous

He isn’t sleeping, is she?

  1. Simple past ‘be’

They weren’t sick, were they?

  1. Simple past ‘verb’

She didn’t come, did she?

  1. Past continuous

We weren’t locking the door, were we?

  1. Present perfect

He hasn’t eaten the pizza, has he?

  1. Present perfect continuous

She hasn’t been working at night, has he?

  1. Past perfect

We hadn’t been to Bali before, had we?

  1. Past perfect continuous

She hadn’t been eating, had she?

  1. Future tense

He won’t be alright, will he?

  1. Future continuous

She won’t be coming tonight, will she?

  1. Future perfect

They won’t have left the school before six, will they?

  1. Future perfect continuous

She won’t have been studying all day, will she?

  1. Modal

He mustn’t play football, must he?



  1. Let’s……,shall we?

Contoh:  Let’s go to the zoo, shall we?

  1. I’m……, aren’t I?

Contoh: I’m smart, aren’t I?

  1. Imperative…….,will/would/could you?

Contoh: Open the door, could you?

  1. Negative word (no, never, nobody, hardly,…)……, potitif tag

Contoh: She never goes to Malioboro, does she?

Demikianlah pembahasan bahan kali ini mengenai “ Contoh – Contoh Kalimat Tentang Question Tag Berdasarkan Tenses Dan Modal “.

Semoga sanggup membantu sahabat IBI ( dan menunjukkan ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Thank you for attention friends


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